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Aloe Vera Leaves · Uses and Benefits

Aloe Vera Leaves · Uses and Benefits

In today's post we are going to tell you about some of the many uses of Aloe Vera, whether in gel or with the leaves. Since our Aloe Vera Zábila is totally organic and cultivated respecting its natural growth so that it maintains all its beneficial properties intact. In the same way, at the factory we treat our product with respect, naturalness and speed so that the moment you make your purchase it reaches you with maximum purity in all its formats.

Uses of Aloe Vera

With its leaves:

- We can cut some square pieces and these in turn in half, they can be cooled in the refrigerator and then applied to the face and eye area. Especially when we have spent the day in the sun! to calm and refresh the skin. Always apply sunscreen!

- Purify your body, we cut the aloe vera leaf in half (at least 2 centimeters) and with a spoon we extract its contents, place it in the blender and add a tablespoon of honey, a glass of water, 2 centimeters of ginger and the juice of one lemon and blend! at least twice a week drink this shake and you will see the results

- Moisturizing effect for your skin and hair

- Helps with burns from both the sun and cooking

With Aloe Vera Juice:

- It is an antiseptic

- It is anti-inflammatory

- Contains minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium

- Contains vitamins from group C, E and B

- Helps improve hair health against dandruff and promoting hair growth

We hope that these various uses and tips will help you and if you liked it, let us know and we will continue to compile more tips and uses with the different aloe vera products for you.

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